Things to know before a Hysterectomy

A hysterectomy is a very complicated method. The simplest term that can be used to describe it is that it is the surgical removal of a woman’s uterus. The uterus is a reproductive organ in a woman’s pelvic area where the fetus grows. A hysterectomy is the most commonly performed kind of gynecological surgery. It can often be partial, in which the cervix is left intact, or total. It sometimes also involves the removal of the ovaries and fallopian tubes.

There can be various reasons to perform a hysterectomy. It is mostly done as a last resort when everything else fails. It is considered when a woman is experiencing the pain of severe endometriosis, uterine fibroids, or vaginal prolapse. Reproductive cancers also need a hysterectomy and women sometimes go for hysterectomy as a preventative measure in case there is a strong family history of cancer in the reproductive organs. A hysterectomy is also performed as an emergency procedure if there is uncontrolled bleeding after giving birth.

A hysterectomy is a major surgery which, like most gynaecology procedures, brings certain risks and side effects with it. The recovery time is anywhere between 2 weeks and a few months depending on the type and extent of the surgery, as well as the patient’s overall health. This surgery sometimes results in the development of urinary incontinence, ovarian cysts, vaginal prolapse, and also a greater risk of cardiovascular disease. If the ovaries are removed then there will be a rapid onset of menopausal symptoms. Menopause occurs earlier than normal if the ovaries remain intact. It may require hormone replacement treatment. A less natural lubrication and a loss of sexual desire are also possible.

It is important to know all the vital details before you go for a Hysterectomy. To make sure you have all the required information, visit when considering a Hysterectomy.

Uterine Fibroids Treatment Options

If you have been diagnosed with fibroids; you may be wondering what can be done to alleviate the symptoms. There are a number of uterine fibroids treatment options, ranging from conventional to natural methods.

In general, many doctors recommend “watchful waiting” i.e. doing nothing, as fibroids will shrink around the menopause. Now this is fine if your fibroids are small and symptoms are mild, but for those suffering from terrible symptoms and who have many years to go before the menopause, then this is not an option. One of the problems with fibroids is that conventional medicine can only treat the symptoms rather than the root cause.

Hysterectomy is one of the important treatment options for the Uterine fibroids. The surgical removal of the womb should never be undertaken unless necessary. It signals the end of your childbearing years and should not be done if there is any chance whatsoever that you might want children in the future. A hysterectomy is a major procedure and there is the risk of severe bleeding, bowel injury or difficulties with urination. Even if the ovaries are left intact, there is always the risk that disturbing them during surgery can alter the normal functioning and bring about an early menopause shortly afterwards. In addition, there is the increased risk of heart disease and osteoporosis. Myectomy is a procedure to remove individual fibroids and less invasive than some other options as the uterus remain intact, allowing women the potential to become pregnant. There can be problems like excessive bleeding and the formation of scar tissue.

Visit at ; Dr Kenneth Leong, a reproductive gynaecologic and robotic surgeon based in Melbourne Victoria Australia, is a Monash IVF infertility clinician trained in advanced minimally invasive gynaecology surgery. He performs all stages of laparoscopic endometriosis surgery, laparoscopic and hysteroscopic surgeries for uterine fibroids and laparoscopic tubal reversal surgery.

Endometriosis and Infertility

Endometriosis Endometriosis is a condition in which cells from tissue inside the uterus grow in places outside the uterus. These cells settle in the fallopian tubes or ovaries and sometimes in other organs in the pelvic area, including the abdomen & bladder. The cells clump up, become inflamed and eventually develop into adhesions or scars, which cause pain. In some cases, the condition leads to infertility, known as Endometriosis infertility.

The actual cause of this disease is not yet known. Some women may be born with this abnormality. Some may be born with a tendency to get this disease during their reproductive years. Medical researchers have suggested that during menstruation, menstrual fluid backs up through the fallopian tubes into the abdomen where cells from the fluid become embedded and begin to grow. There are a number of other theories for its prevalence. Studies have shown that between five percent and ten percent of all women have this disease, but most of these women are fertile. Some 30 percent to 40 percent of women with endometriosis are infertile. In most cases, this infertility is temporary. Ladies with this abnormality do have children. They just have more difficulty getting pregnant than other women have. If severe enough, endometriosis can damage one or more of the woman’s reproductive organs. As the condition worsens, the adhesions formed from the clumps of cells grow thicker and larger in or around the reproductive organs. In general, adhesions that stick to or push against a reproductive organ deform the structure of that organ and impact its normal function.

Visit at; Dr Leong is a Monash IVF infertility clinician trained in advanced minimally invasive gynaecology surgery. He performs all stages of laparoscopic endometriosis surgery, laparoscopic and hysteroscopic surgeries for uterine fibroids and laparoscopic tubal reversal surgery.

Benefits of IVF

IVFIf you are having trouble conceiving or have been trying to conceive for a number of months or years, then in-vitro fertilization is a solution that can help you conceive much more quickly. For women who have problems with infertility or other reproductive disorders, IVF can be a solution that will enable them to conceive despite their problems. There are many benefits of IVF; which makes it a desired option among couples seeking parenthood.

In-Vitro Fertilization is a medical procedure in which eggs are removed from the ovaries, combined with sperm in a special clinical environment and ultimately returned to the womb in order to grow into infants. The age and environment of the parents play a factor in the effectiveness of the in vitro fertilization, but it can be an excellent solution that will enable you to conceive much more quickly than using intrauterine insemination or depending on natural means. Men who suffer from infertility, also find that the IVF process makes it easier for them to impregnate their wives. Women with absent, blocked or damaged fallopian tubes may also find that this as a viable solution. The women who are younger than 35 will find that the high rate of conception using IVF makes it an option to consider; as the rates are higher for IVF than with any other type of assisted conception.

Visit us at ; Dr Kenneth Leong, a reproductive gynaecologic and robotic surgeon based in Melbourne Victoria Australia is a Monash IVF infertility clinician trained in advanced minimally invasive gynaecology surgery. He performs all stages of laparoscopic endometriosis surgery, laparoscopic and hysteroscopic surgeries for uterine fibroids and laparoscopic tubal reversal surgery. He also sees a large number of older couples requiring egg donation to help them conceive.

Laparoscopy- Endometriosis Infertility Treatment

Laparoscopy is the most common treatment for endometriosis. It can be minimally invasive and can improve your chances of conception. Endometriosis occurs when tissues similar to the lining of the uterus grow outside of the uterus; can affect many organs surrounding the uterus, fallopian tubes and ovaries. This can interfere with conception and be a factor in infertility.



Many women are unaware of their endometriosis until they seek infertility treatment. A laparoscopic procedure is necessary to accurately diagnose this problem. The symptoms can usually be controlled with medications, but if it is causing you to have fertility problems, then a laparoscopic surgery may be necessary to improve your chances of regaining your fertility. When diagnosing Endometriosis with a laparoscope, the surgeon will need to make a small incision in your abdomen. The laparoscope is a tiny lighted tube that allows the surgeon to get a good look at the outside of your uterus, fallopian tubes and ovaries. Biopsies of suspicious tissues are often taken at this time to properly diagnose this problem. Laparoscopic surgery used to treat endometriosis is generally fairly easy to get over with many patients recovering in just a few days. During the surgery, your surgeon will remove as much endometrial tissue as possible. Any cysts that are seen will most likely be drained and treated as well. In addition, adhesions and scar tissue may be cut loose.

If you are considering having your endometriosis treated by laparoscopic surgery; visit us at ; Dr Leong is a Monash IVF infertility clinician trained in advanced minimally invasive gynaecology surgery. He performs all stages of laparoscopic endometriosis surgery, laparoscopic and hysteroscopic surgeries for uterine fibroids and laparoscopic tubal reversal surgery.

Hysterectomy and Its Kinds

HysterectomyHysterectomy is a surgical procedure that implies the fact that the uterus of a woman is partially or totally removed. The need for it might occur out of various causes; cancer is one of the main reasons for this surgery. The decision is usually taken depending on how advanced the disease is. Hysterectomy can also be required in case of uterine fibroids, when it is not possible to remove them without affecting the uterus.

Endometriosis, abnormal vaginal bleeding, uterine prolapse and adenomyosis are also possible causes of this surgery. In each of the diseases mentioned above, this is basically the last solution, after all the other treatment options have been explored. If nothing else works, then this surgery is considered. Depending on how much of the uterus is actually removed, it can be of three types: the first one is the subtotal type and it means that the surgeon removes the upper part of the uterus, but the cervix is not affected by the procedure. The second type is total hysterectomy; it implies the total removal of the uterus and the cervix. The most serious form is the radical one. This leaves the woman without the uterus, the cervix and the upper part of the vagina. It is only performed in very serious medical conditions, like cancer in advanced phases, for instance. Sometimes, depending on the cause, this might be accompanied by removal of ovaries also.

Visit at Dr Leong is a Monash IVF infertility clinician trained in advanced minimally invasive gynaecology surgery. He performs all stages of laparoscopic endometriosis surgery, laparoscopic and hysteroscopic surgeries for uterine fibroids and laparoscopic tubal reversal surgery. He also observes a large number of older couples requiring egg donation to help them conceive.

Healthy Egg And Sperm Donation Leads To Fertility



The quality of Sperm and egg are both related to fertility, but the more crucial is that the quality of a woman’s eggs is much intensely related to the fertility and is crucial to conception. Age is the factor which definitely contributes to the infertility and at that point of time Egg and sperm donation this is one of the major concerns which need to be kept in mind.

The egg Quality and the quantity, turns down significantly with effect to age. A woman in her early 20s as compared to the women in her late 30s has visible difference related to the quality and the quality. When going for egg and sperm donation, make sure that the quality of the egg is not poor as it will not be helpful in fertilization.

And same applies for the quality of the sperm i.e if the sperms are unhealthy or of poor quality the miscarriage is bound to happen. Henceforth, if an infertile woman needs sperm donors or egg donors than she should make sure about the age so that successful fertilization occurs. Henceforth, make sure that you fetch a right person for the donation of either.

What to Do Before IVF Treatment



Are you wondering what to do before In-vitro fertilization? There are a lot of important things which you can do to prepare yourselves in advance which can increase the chances of a successful IVF treatment.

Firstly, you should visit your doctor to discuss your plans to become pregnant and the complexities you have been facing. At this moment, it would be wise to make a decision about when to begin fertility tests. As you are taking steps towards becoming parents; this is a good time to let go of bad habits like drinking alcohol and smoking.

When looking at what to do before IVF treatment another good step is to seek out support from like-minded people. There are many support groups online and your doctor might be able to recommend a forum which you can browse & communicate with other couples in the same situation. Modify your diet to eat foods which enhance fertility and cut out those which detract. A healthy balanced diet made up of mainly organic foods is the way forward. You must include plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables, full fat dairy produce, seeds, beans, nuts and lean meats in your diet plan. It is also essential to drink at least two liters of filtered water daily to keep your internal organs well-hydrated. You should also consider taking a prenatal supplement and folic acid, but should check first with your doctor.

Visit at Dr Leong is a Monash IVF infertility clinician trained in advanced minimally invasive gynaecology surgery. He performs all stages of laparoscopic endometriosis surgery, laparoscopic and hysteroscopic surgeries for uterine fibroids & laparoscopic tubal reversal surgery. He also sees a large number of older couples requiring egg donation to help them conceive.

Endometriosis – How to Cope

endometriosis A large number of women are living with endometriosis during their reproductive years. Unfortunately, since this problem is often permanent, but important is to find ways of coping with it. Some of the most common symptoms associated with this condition include irregular or chronic pain in your pelvic area, lower back ache, diarrhea, painful periods, pain during intercourse, bloating, fatigue and constipation. In some cases, women living with endometriosis will sometimes experience infertility issues as a result of the scarring and lesions that develop in the uterus.

If pain is the primary problem you are dealing with, prescription pain relievers may be a good choice. Doctors often prescribe medicines to relieve the intense abdominal cramps that are associated with this ailment. The prescription drugs or medicines that are recommended include acetaminophen, naproxen, ibuprofen and aspirin. Naproxen is especially effective in relieving swelling of endometrial tissue which is one of the sources of this condition’s symptoms.

Many experts will tell you to get adequate amount of rest when suffering from endometriosis. Sleep is very important to a healthy and strong immune system; which in turn is essential to help your body maintain balance & proper body functioning. By taking proper rest and sleep you will be better able to handle the painful & disruptive symptoms that come with this illness.

Visit at ; Dr Leong is a Monash IVF infertility clinician trained in advanced minimally invasive gynaecology surgery. He performs all stages of laparoscopic endometriosis surgery, laparoscopic and hysteroscopic surgeries for uterine fibroids and laparoscopic tubal reversal surgical treatments.

Period pain

Period pains“Period pain” a very common terminology used by most of the woman.  Period pain is the one which usually most of the females go through during their menstrual cycle. The intensity of pain at times is too high leading at times a patient to get hospitalized.

It is not at all necessary that every woman has to go through the period pain. Rather according to the gynecologists, woman should not have pain during or after their periods. We know that the menstrual cycle occurs with the shedding of the uterus lining. And if in case a woman conceives the uterus lining doesn’t breaks and rather the egg develops into the baby.

There are many reasons of Period pains like endometriosis, uterine fibroids and the most common reason is excessive prostaglandin hormones, which leads to lower abdominal cramps and thus leading to reduce blood supply to the uterus. Infection is also a reason for severe pain during menstruation cycle.

The most often the doctors give a treatment with the medicines like ibuprofen, PCM or at times oral contraceptive pill is also prescribed, to reduce the pain. Thus, if you are suffering from period pain just don’t panic simply consult your gynecologist and follow the suggested medicines.